Closing ceremony

12:00-1:00pm 红毯拍照留影

1:00pm UCLA 教授Michael Berry主题演讲:“中国电影中的好莱坞元素”

2:00-3:15pm 电影圆桌讨论:
UCLA 教授Michael Berry, 好莱坞知名制片人Lowell Blank, 华纳兄弟著名导演及编剧Nathan Hendrickson,
UC Davis 比较文学系系主任Seldon Lu教授,UC Davis 东亚语言文化系教授Xiaomei Chen.

3:00-4:00pm 颁奖仪式

4:00-4:10 戴维斯华语电影节基金会与邵氏电影公司签约仪式

4:15-5:00pm 招待酒会

About DCFF

Davis Chinese Film Festival (DCFF) is hosted by Davis Chinese Film Festival Foundation (DCFFF). DCFFF is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization which was estabilished in January 2014. The EIN of DCFFF is 46-4735828. All staff at DCFFF are volunteers.


• To develop friendship between peoples of the United States and China, and to become an annual celebration event to make Davis a better community to live in
• To encourage creative activities to the highest standards. In the meantime, to create opportunities for collaboration in the Sino-US film industry

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