About Us


Davis Chinese Film Festival (DCFF) is hosted by Davis Chinese Film Festival Foundation (DCFFF). DCFFF is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization which was established in January 2014. The EIN of DCFFF is 46-4735828. All staff at DCFFF are volunteers. DCFFF appreciates strong support from the University of California at Davis, Chinese Consulate in San Francisco, Beijing Film Academy, China News Publishing Administration for Radio and Film, China Film Association, community, and many other organizations.

DCFFF是由喜欢电影的一群戴维斯加州大学师生校友、加州州政府工作人员、 戴维斯居民以及与戴维斯小城有着千丝万缕联系的外行志愿者发起和运营。一年多来,它吸引了越来越多的新秀和业内人士竞相加入。一个缘字把大家聚拢到一起,大浪淘沙,隐藏在背后的,是尽已之力,为东西方文化的交融理解,为美中两国电影界搭建一个交流合作、作品展示的平台的祝愿和执拗; 同时也为丰富戴维斯当地的文化生活增添光彩。


DCFFF下设理事会和专家委员会。理事会主要负责行政管理和运行, 专家委员会则由电影专家教授及业内权威人士组成,负责影片挑述,论坛评论,评奖及业务指导。 DCFFF组织每年的电影节和平时的业务交流及会员定期活动。

About DCFF

Davis Chinese Film Festival (DCFF) is hosted by Davis Chinese Film Festival Foundation (DCFFF). DCFFF is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization which was estabilished in January 2014. The EIN of DCFFF is 46-4735828. All staff at DCFFF are volunteers.


• To develop friendship between peoples of the United States and China, and to become an annual celebration event to make Davis a better community to live in
• To encourage creative activities to the highest standards. In the meantime, to create opportunities for collaboration in the Sino-US film industry

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